On the target table, I've got a CONSTRAINT:ALTER TABLE dm.billables
ADD CONSTRAINT uc_billable_code_unique_per_account UNIQUE("account_id", "code");So I'm importing a CSV file with repeated values on the field "code"Example:'Interpreting Normal/AH'
'Interpreting Normal/AH'
'Interpreting Normal/AH'
'Interpreting Normal/AH'
'Interpreting Normal/AH4'
'Interpreting Normal/AH'
'Interpreting Normal/AH6'
'Interpreting Normal/AH'So when importing it to the target table I got the error:ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "uc_billable_code_unique_per_account"
DETAIL: Key ("account_id", "code")=(32152, 'Interpreting Normal/AH') already exists.Command used to import the values:
INSERT INTO dm.billables (SELECT billable_id, code, info FROM temptable)OR directly through the CSV file:
COPY dm.billables (code, info, unit_cost, unit_price, account_id) FROM '/var/lib/pgsql/sql/lucas/charge_test.csv' WITH DELIMITER ',' QUOTE '"' CSV HEADER;So. I determined that to do that without dropping the CONSTRAINT, I'll have to generate a unique but random value to the "code" column.NOW:COLUMN CODE | COLUMN INFO'Interpreting Normal/AH' Travel1'Interpreting Normal/AH1' trip2'Interpreting Normal/AH2' test897'Interpreting Normal/AH3' trip11'Interpreting Normal/AH4' trave1NEW:COLUMN CODE | COLUMN INFOcode_32152563bdc6453645 Travel1code_32152563bdc4566hhh trip2code_32152563b654645uuu test897code_32152563bdc4546uui trip11code_32152563bdc4db11aa trave1How can I do that?
I could also drop the COSNSTRAINT, import all the data and then change the "code" column to use UUID - But how?