On Mar 13, 2016 6:29 PM, "David G. Johnston" <david.g.johnston@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Sunday, March 13, 2016, Ken Tanzer <ken.tanzer@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi. Is there a way with to_char to suppress a decimal point, like a leading or trailing 0, so that integers will not have them, but non-ints will? I'm hoping I'm missing something easy. Thanks.
>> Ken
>> SELECT val,to_char(val::decimal(6,2),'FM999,999D99') FROM
>> ( SELECT 1 AS val UNION SELECT 1.05 AS val) foo;
>> val | to_char
>> ------+---------
>> 1 | 1.
>> 1.05 | 1.05
> Not seeing a native way to do so - and I'd question doing so as a general rule - though you know your domain. If you must have this you will want to utilize regexp_replace to identify the situation and replace it. A simple "\.$" check and a substring would work also.
> David J.Thanks David. Just curious what part of this you would question. The case for numbers, currency in particular, coming out with a decimal and pennies when present, and as whole dollars when not (and without a decimal place at the end) seems pretty common and clear cut. What am I missing in your question?
Typically if I'm going to format any currency amount with pennies I would format all values, even those with zero pennies, to the same precision. Typically when displaying such amounts I'd right-justify the values and thus cause the decimals to line up.
David J.