> Bug/Improvement:
> Enums belong to types, not to column values.
> * Create a built in function, like enum_range( type ), independent of tables
> that shows a type's enum values.
> create or replace function enum_range( typein regtype ) returns name[] language sql as
> $$
> select array_agg(enumlabel) from
> (select enumlabel
> from pg_enum e join pg_type t on (e.enumtypid = t.oid)
> where t.typtype = 'e' and t.oid = typein
> order by enumsortorder
> ) foo;
> $$;
> * When an insert into an enum column fails give the person a hint as to valid values
> * Make enum_range to not be dependent on values in the target table.
> Remove/Obsolete enum_range( enum_column ) and replace with enum_range( typein regtype )
> Workaround: define the enum_range( typein regtyp ) yourself.
> create type rainbow as enum ('red','orange','yellow','blue','purple');
> create table badinfo (color rainbow);
> -- Lousy message. Show enum list.
> insert into badinfo values ('green');
> ERROR: invalid input value for enum rainbow: "green"
> LINE 1: insert into badinfo values ('green');
> -- Lousy message.
> select enum_range(color) from foo;
> enum_range
> ------------
> (0 rows)
> insert into foo values ('red');
> INSERT 0 1
> insert into foo values ('blue');
> INSERT 0 1
> -- Ooh. Only shows the enum list for valid value in a table.
> select enum_range(color) from foo;
> enum_range
> ---------------------------------
> {red,orange,yellow,blue,purple}
> {red,orange,yellow,blue,purple}
> (2 rows)
Elein Mustain
Just reading here...
I don't really understand what point you are trying to make but:
SELECT enum_range(color) FROM foo;
enum_range() will be executed once for every row in foo. A row can only exist in foo if either color is a valid rainbow enum or NULL.
f you simply want to execute enum_range(rainbow) you can do something as simple as:
SELECT enum_range(null::rainbow);
I do see that there could be value in having:
> insert into badinfo values ('green');
> -- Lousy message. Show enum list.> ERROR: invalid input value for enum rainbow: "green"
> LINE 1: insert into badinfo values ('green');
add a HINT: to the output listing all labels for the enum
If that is your main point you did a good job of hiding in in a bunch of other stuff that is only tangentially related. Otherwise I still have no idea what exactly is the point you are trying to make.
What version are you using anyway?
David J.