Could anyone please recommend a way to implement check constraints here?but get syntax errors near "ALL"Hello,for a Scrabble-like word game using PostgreSQL 9.5 as backend
I am trying to add CHECK constraints to the VARCHAR arrays:
CREATE TABLE words_games (
created timestamptz NOT NULL,
player1 integer REFERENCES words_users(uid) ON DELETE CASCADE NOT NULL,
player2 integer REFERENCES words_users(uid) ON DELETE CASCADE,
played1 timestamptz,
played2 timestamptz,
hand1 varchar[7] NOT NULL CHECK (ALL(hand1) ~ '^[*A-Z]$'),
hand2 varchar[7] NOT NULL CHECK (ALL(hand2) ~ '^[*A-Z]$'),
pile varchar[116] NOT NULL CHECK (ALL(pile) ~ '^[*A-Z]$'),
board varchar[15][15] NOT NULL CHECK (ALL(board) ~ '^[.A-Z]$'),
style integer NOT NULL CHECK (1 <= style AND style <= 4)
ERROR: syntax error at or near "ALL"
LINE 8: hand1 varchar[7] NOT NULL CHECK (ALL(hand1) ~ '^[A-Z...
- probably because that keyword is supposed to be on the right side?
Google'd: postgresql regexp array matching
The custom operator is the most direct solution - and meets this need quite well - the array-taking function is overkill for this though has the benefit of being more explicit and it can expanded upon to do things a simple operator cannot.
David J.