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Re: Question -- Session Operations - Feasibility Of Proposed Synchronization Method?

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Thanks to forum members for the four helpful replies, to my earlier message that initiated this thread.

The replies expressed concerns, with the feasibility of my proposal to use postgres tables to store short-lived context data, for dialog continuity during website app transient sessions, with visitor browsers over modeless HTTP connections.

Hope the four emails I sent in response (5 January 2016), went some way to satisfying the concerns expressed.

Here is a list of the issues discussed, in the dialog mentioned above:

1. "Session" defined;
2. Avoid row DELETEs;
3. Periodically TRUNCATE each table in a pool of session context tables;
4. Embed a session ID key parameter in an HTML "hidden" field (optional); 5. Use sequence generators as rapid global iterators controlling access to session context tables;

In the remainder of this email are:

A. Descriptions of the 5 items in the list above.

B. Proposed method to synchronize use of sequence generators, with SQL transaction / savepoint semantics.

I would appreciate comments from forum members, who examine the proposed synchronization method.

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A. Descripttions of the 5 items in the list above:

1. "Session" defined:

The "session" discussed here is an app session. It is the (browser <==> app) dialog between a website visitor, and the (HTTP / HTML / PHP / PostgreSQL) app that services requests from the visitor.

The term "session" as used here, is not limited to the connection made by an app, through a postgres client, to a postgres database server. During one app session, the app can open and close numerous brief connections (also called "sessions" in postgres docs) to a postgres database server, through a postgres client.

* * *

2. Avoid row DELETEs:

The objective is to find a design for a session operations system, based on postgres as the session context data store.

A design that avoids performance problems under high load, of using a classic <DELETE row ... / AUTOVACUUM table / VACUUM table> method, to recycle session context table row image storage space back to the filesystem.

* * *

3. Periodically TRUNCATE each table in a pool of (e.g. 31) session context tables.

The proposed design uses a pool of identically-defined session context tables, for example:


Having a pool of session context tables, permits the session operations system to use a hyper-fast table TRUNCATE command, to recycle periodically and efficiently large amounts of "dead" session context row image storage space, back to the filesystem.

Many other session context tables in the pool (of e.g. 31) tables, always remain online and available to the app, during the TRUNCATE operation on the one "dead" table, that is briefly taken offline, TRUNCATEd and then returned to the pool for online reuse.

For example, session operations could be configured to impose a 30000 limit, on the count of row images stored in a session context table. If each session context row image occupies e.g. 1000 bytes, then the session operations system will be recycling periodically, 30 MB of storage space back to the filesystem, with one quick table TRUNCATE command. Instead of going through a painstaking per-row DELETE ... / AUTOVACUUM / VACUUM process, that is more suitable for long-lived, high-value data assets.

The session app only ever uses INSERT / SELECT / UPDATE commands on session context data rows. The app never uses DELETE commands on these rows. Session operations has other means, to ensure that it can safely TRUNCATE a session context table.

* * *

4. Use a session ID key parameter in an HTML "hidden" field.

Instead of browser cookies, use a session ID key parameter embedded in an HTML "hidden" field, in the HTML page served by the app to the web browser. Of course the session ID key is not actually "hidden" in the security sense.

This session ID key parameter completes a round-trip journey, when the visitor actions the web page (e.g. submit button) and their browser sends an HTTP request message, bringing the session ID key value back to the app program launched by the HTTP server.

(This point is optional. Cookies can be used as an alternative to a session ID key parameter, with this proposed design for session operations.)

* * *

5. Use sequence generators as rapid global iterators controlling access to session context tables:

As source of sequential integer values, a postgres sequence generator (based on 64-bit bigint precision) has far more bits of precision than are necessary, to cycle from 1 up to value limits that are sufficiently large for session operations. These value limits typically being in the order of anywhere from a few thousand, up to a few million.

So it's feasible to encode a lot of fixed meta-information, in "surplus" high-order bits of a postgres sequence, transforming that sequence into a kind of "iterator".

Iterator program code in the session operations system, decodes all 64 bits of the sequence's integer value, into two groups: 1. high-order bits => (one or more) fixed-value meta-data fields and 2. low-order bits => the incrementing "serializer" integer field.

The serializer field in the low-order bits of the sequence value, is the actual operative incrementing integer sequence value, for purposes of session operations.

Four example session operations sub-domains, over which iterators can range are:

-- limit the count of sessions in a session context table;

-- limit the count of session context row images, in a session context table;

-- cycle in continual circular round robin fashion, around a list of "hot" session context tables, granting access in turn to the next table in the circular list, to the next app process that requests permission to INSERT into a "hot" table, the row of a new session being initiated;

-- keep "quasi-infinite" count of iterator (sequence generator) reset events, for such a very long time as to be safely considered an event count that "never" repeats (wraps), assisting safe synchronization of the use of iterators, with SQL transaction / savepoint semantics;

(I can provide more detail on this iterator idea, and on the whole session operations system proposed design. Just send me an email offline.)

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B. Proposed method to synchronize use of sequence generators, with SQL transaction / savepoint semantics.

In the pseudocode example provided below, two concurrent processes (session process, supervisory process) operate on the same same table sql_table_01, and they use sequence generator sql_sequence_01 as a "version" number for the operational state of table sql_table_01.

QUESTION: In supervisory process step sup.2 (below), will the command:


ensure that the session process, having read a value from sequence generator sql_sequence_01 in step ses.1, will never ever begin to execute step ses.6:

  SELECT currval('sql_sequence_01');

so long as the supervisory process, has completed step sup.2:


but has not yet completed step sup.4:



Essentially, the idea is to piggyback synchronization of use of sequence generator sql_sequence_01 by the session process, on the LOCK TABLE sql_table_01 command, issued by the supervisory process. Assuming that the session process has some INSERT / SELECT / UPDATE command to perform on the same table, a command that will be blocked by the LOCK TABLE command.

I attach a PDF version of the pseudo code, in case the pastings below get mangled on the way to recipients:

<eto_sql_pg - Session Context Storage - 8.1 Synchronize Process Access To Table - 20160103.pdf>.

* * *

                  Session Process
INSERT / SELECT / UPDATE row in table sql_table_01
ses.0 |(Decide to update a row in table sql_table_01).
ses.1 |  SELECT currval('sql_sequence_01');
ses.2 |  $save_seq1 = (value of sequence obtained in ses.1);
ses.3 |  SAVEPOINT session_savepoint;
ses.4 |  SELECT ... FROM  sql_table_01 FOR UPDATE;
ses.5 |  UPDATE sql_table_01 ...;
ses.6 |  SELECT currval('sql_sequence_01');
ses.7 |  $save_seq2 = (value of seq obtained in ses.6);
        |  /*
        |      (i.e. is operational state of table
        |        sql_table_01 unchanged?)
        |  */
ses.8 |  if ($save_seq1 == $save_seq2)
        |  /*
        |     YES -- SAFE TO COMMIT
        |      ( sequence sql_sequence_01 is unchanged).
        |  */
        |  {
ses.9 |     RELEASE SAVEPOINT session_savepoint;
        |  }
        |  else
        |  /*
        |     NO -- NOT SAFE TO COMMIT
        |       (sequence sql_sequence_01 has changed,
        |         abandon unit of work and retry).
        |  */
        |  {
ses.10|     ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT session_savepoint;
        |  }
        | /* DONE */
        |      -------------------------------------------------------------

* * *

            Supervisory Process
  Change operational state of table sql_table_01
sup.0 | (Decide to change operational state of table
         |    sql_table_01).
         | /*
         |    Block all other access to table sql_table_01.
         | */
         | ...
         | ... (change operational state of table sql_table_01
         | ...
         | ...  e.g. TRUNCATE ONLY TABLE sql_table_01;)
         | ...
         | /*
         |   Advance sequence
         |      sql_sequence_01
         |    to indicate that the operational state of table
         |      sql_table_01
         |     has changed.
         | */
sup.3 | SELECT nextval('sql_sequence_01');
         | /*
         |    Release the EXCLUSIVE MODE lock on table
         |       sql_table_01.
         | */
         | /* DONE */

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* * *

Thanks to forum members for taking the time to read my email.


Attachment: eto_sql_pg - Session Context Storage - 8.1 Synchronize Process Access To Table - 20160103.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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