On Mon, Dec 28, 2015 at 2:08 PM, Christopher Molnar <cmolnar65@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:Hello all!Sorry to have to ask the experts here for some regex assistance again. I am admittadly awful with these and could use some help.Any suggestions?
I have found over the years that it is far easier to write a short PHP or PERL program to do tasks like this. Much easier to debug and the speed improvement by using SQL is not important for 200,000 records.
If all you end up doing is using regular expressions in Perl then I'm not sure how that solves the "inexperienced at regular expressions" problem...so what kind (if any) of non-regex based solution would
you implement to accomplish this goal. I'll admit that, being familiar with regular expressions, I probably tend to resort to them by default now when other solutions - if I stopped to think of them - would be less matrix-y.
Obviously a simple find-replace is unlike to work well though some form of "split-and-rearrange" could work - but URLs seem to want the flexibility since defining split points in one seems challenging.
David J.