I was half awake early this AM and perused my email, and noted a fubar
in one of the command sets shown to you but too sleepy to try and reply
at the time, and now this thread is WAY too silly long to find it again,
but I think someone neglected to put the database name on a pg_restore
command. if you don't give pg_restore a dbname, it just spews the
SQL out on the console, which is what it sounded like Killian may have
yeah, this one from Adrian, at 7:02am PST (Z-0800) this morning....
Per previous posts you want, whenever possible, to us a newer version
of pg_dump to move a database from an older version(9.3) to a newer
one(9.4). Therefore you should do your dump and restore using the
pg_dump.exe and pg_restore.exe from the Bitanami bin directory. I
would cd to the above directory and do:
pg_dump -V
pg_restore -V
to make sure the programs are found and are the 9.4 versions.
Then do:
pg_dump -Fc -p 5432 -U postgres -f irll_project.out irll_project
pg_restore -U postgres -p 5532 irll_project.out
that last needs to have -d newdbname where newdbname has already
been created, for instance, by...
C:\Bitnami\wappstack-5.5.30-0\postgresql\bin\createdb -p 5532 -U
postgres newdbname
BEFORE you can restore to it....
anyways, this thread has gone on WAY too long, Killian needs to learn
the basics of command line operations on MS Windows, which admittedly
are rather klunky, but are quite outside the charter of the
pgsql-general email list.
p.s. please don't CC me answers, I get every email sent to the list,
with the CC's I end up getting two of every one.
john r pierce, recycling bits in santa cruz
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