Hey all,
I have a Windows PostgreSQL server where dblink_connect fails to pick up the current user as follows:
Has anyone seen this before? It seems very odd to me, I have another identical machine (except for being on 9.4.0) which this works on.#psql -h localhost -U postgres ffmffm=# select version();version-------------------------------------------------------------PostgreSQL 9.4.5, compiled by Visual C++ build 1800, 64-bit(1 row)ffm=#ffm=# SELECT dblink_connect('master', 'dbname=ffm');ERROR: could not establish connectionDETAIL: FATAL: role "PRDSWIDEGRID01$" does not existffm=#ffm=# select user;current_user--------------phxowner(1 row)ffm=# select session_user;session_user--------------postgres(1 row)ffm=# SELECT dblink_connect('master', 'dbname=ffm user=postgres');dblink_connect----------------OK(1 row)
James Sewell,
Solutions Architect
Solutions Architect
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