On 12/13/2015 4:22 PM, Peter Brady wrote:
Again there appears to be nothing logged to indicate why the server is
not starting at this point.
the standard versions of postgres for RHEL/CentOS leave two sets of
logs... 1 is the startup log /var/lib/pgsql/9.2/pgstartup.log, and the
other is the regular PG logging, in /var/lib/pgsql/9.2/data/pg_log/* ...
I'd run the /normal/ pg startup script as their may be site specific
environments configured by the original administrator...
# service postgresql-9.2 start
and then look at the startup log first. if it ends with...
2015-07-21 00:33:31.851 PDT @[]: LOG: redirecting log output to logging
collector process
2015-07-21 00:33:31.851 PDT @[]: HINT: Future log output will appear in
directory "pg_log"
then look in the data/pg_log directory for a new file dated today.
john r pierce, recycling bits in santa cruz
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