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Re: HELP!!! The WAL Archive is taking up all space

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> FattahRozzaq <ssoorruu@xxxxxxxxx> hat am 10. Dezember 2015 um 01:27
> geschrieben:
> Hi John,
> I really don't know why I should keep the wal archives.

That's the problem! But that's your part, not our. If you need a Backup with
PITR-capability you have to create a so called basebackup and continously WAL's.
If you create later, say the next day, a new Basebackup and your Backup-Policy
is hold one Backup, than you can delete all WAL's untill to the new Basebackup
and the old Backup.

If i where you i would use somethink like barman (see:
) for that. And yes: you should a extra Backup-Server. If you have both
(Database and Backup) on the same machine and the machine burns you will lost
both, data and backup.


> I implement streaming replication into 1 server (standby server).

Streamin Replication can't replace a Backup!

> I'm really newbie to PostgreSQL but the boss pushed me to handle it
> and implement it in production f*&%*$%%$#%$#&# (forgive me)
> They don't hire a database expert, I don't know why.

You can learn that. PostgreSQL is really, really great.
Btw.: i know companies providing remote DBA service for PostgreSQL.

> And I change the archive_command into: archive_command = '/bin/true'
> Is it a bad decision?

Maybe. You don't have a backup now. In case of desaster your boss will fire YOU!
(and not me)

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