Is this correct? I'm fairly sure jsonb supports lazily parsing objects and each object level is actually searched using binary search.
Em 29/11/2015 11:25 AM, "Tom Smith" <tomsmith1989sk@xxxxxxxxx> escreveu:
single doc has, say 2000 top level keys (with multiple levels of subkeys).Hi, Thanks for everyone's response.
The issue is not just compression, but lack of "indexing" or "segmentation" when a
right now, if I query for one key, the whole dochas to be first uncompressed and loaded and then search for the single key.Compared to traditional way of storing each top level key with a separate column, this is huge overhead when table scan is required. Some kind of "keyed/slotted" storage for the doc couldhelp, (for illustration, all keys starting with 'A' would have its own storage unit, so on,
so when I search for key "A1" only that unit would be unpacked and traversed to get :"A1" value". it is like postgresql predfine 26 columns/slots for the whole doc. an internal indexingwithin each doc for fast retrieval of individual field values.Someone mentioned a plan in roadmap for this route but I'd like to know if it is in 9.6 plan.
below url mentions the similar issue. I am not sure if it has been completely resolved.
below url mentions the potential issue. Sun, Nov 29, 2015 at 7:35 AM, Thomas Kellerer <spam_eater@xxxxxxx> wrote:If you are concerned about the compression overhead, then why don't you use (or try) JSON instead?Tom Smith schrieb am 29.11.2015 um 03:27:
Is there a plan for 9.6 to resolve the issue of very slow query/retrieval of jsonb fields
when there are large number (maybe several thousands) of top level keys.
Currently, if I save a large json document with top level keys of thousands and query/retrieve
field values, the whole document has to be first decompressed and load to memory
before searching for the specific field key/value.
Thanks in Advance
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