Thank you for reply!
I am using version 9.4.5.
Unfortunately I could not figure out how to select rows which, for example, contain following json: '{"a":"world","c":{"b":"helloworld"}}' by search with "hello" string.
I am trying to create a query which looks values in any field in JSON, "a" and "b" in this case (without knowing the names "a" and "b").
2015-11-03 0:56 GMT+02:00 Jason O'Donnell <odonnelljp01@xxxxxxxxx>:
Hope that helps,There's some examples using GIN indexes for searching jsonb objects in the wiki: https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/What's_new_in_PostgreSQL_9.4#JSONB_Binary_JSON_storageSami,What version of postgres are you using?