No, I get the same T_FUNCTION error.
Someone commented that the function...
create function tax_rank(id integer) returns text as $$
select case id
when 1 then 'Classes'
when 2 then 'Orders'
when 3 then 'Families'
when 4 then 'Genera'
when 5 then 'Species'
$$ language sql;
...should ideally be part of the table schema. Does that mean I need to go into pgAdmin, open up my table and paste this in somehow?
I wonder if the function is even necessary. My goal is to create a hierarchical query that displays the number of children, grandchildren, etc. And, depending on the taxonomic level, it might display the result as "20 families, 74 genera and 413 species." With MySQL I could probably turn that into a series of echo values, which I could then display like this:
echo ''.$NumberChildren.' families<br>
'.$NumberGrandchildren.' genera<br>
'.$NumberGreatgrandchildren.' species';
I'm wondering if I should figure out this query or go back to square one with a simpler query. I've never seen a query with a function before. ;)
Thanks for the tips.