On 10/20/2015 07:00 AM, pinker wrote:
Maybe somebody have an idea how to escape text string for use in hstore column? I have tried $$ and quote_literal in audit trigger function, but still db won't let me pass values with // or ' to the hstore... INSERT FROM trigger function: EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO history.' || TG_TABLE_SCHEMA || '_' || TG_TABLE_NAME || l_table_suffix || '(operation, event_time, executed_by, new_value) VALUES(''' || TG_OP || ''', ''' || CURRENT_TIMESTAMP || ''', ''' || SESSION_USER || ''', $$''' || hstore(NEW) || '''$$)'; During insert occurs error: INSERT INTO my_table ("some_id", "someother_id","description") VALUES (1751, 10907,'gdfddfg''gdfg'); The same occurs with backslash: INSERT INTO my_table ("some_id", "someother_id","description") VALUES (1751, 10907,'gdfddfg//gdfg'); ERROR: Syntax error near ''' at position 73 LINE 2: ..., '2015-10-20 15:41:08.534645+02', 'my_user', $$'"some... ^ QUERY: INSERT INTO history.public_my_table_2015_10(operation, event_time, executed_by, new_value) VALUES('INSERT', '2015-10-20 15:41:08.534645+02', 'my_user', $$'"some_id"=>"1751", "someother_id"=>"10907", "description"=>"gdfddfg'gdfg"'$$) CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function insert() line 6 at EXECUTE statement
Here is my very similar function: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION utility.archive_del_record() RETURNS trigger AS $BODY$ DECLARE tbl_name text := TG_TABLE_NAME || '_delete' ; archive_row hstore := hstore(OLD.*); user_name text := session_user; BEGIN EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO ' ||quote_ident(tbl_name) || '(record_fld, del_ts, del_user)' || ' VALUES('||quote_literal(archive_row)||', now(),' || quote_literal(user_name)||')'; RETURN OLD; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER;
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-- Adrian Klaver adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) To make changes to your subscription: http://www.postgresql.org/mailpref/pgsql-general