I noted there was an inquiry as to how to copy or clone_schema
an entire schema. The standard method for doing that is to
1. pg_dump the schema in plain format
2. edit the dump file and change all occurrences of the schema name
3. reload the dump into the new schema.
The attached function is an alternate method for doing that.
It is a revision of the clone_schema by by Emanuel '3manuek'
from https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Clone_schema
Originally, it did not copy views, functions or data from
the source schema despite the claim that it "copies everything".
I've added error checking and verified that it now copies the
current sequnce values, table data, views and functions.
As always, use with caution.
Melvin Davidson
I reserve the right to fantasize. Whether or not you
wish to share my fantasy is entirely up to you.![]()
I reserve the right to fantasize. Whether or not you
wish to share my fantasy is entirely up to you.
-- Function: clone_schema(text, text) -- DROP FUNCTION clone_schema(text, text); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION clone_schema( source_schema text, dest_schema text) RETURNS void AS $BODY$ -- by Emanuel '3manuek' -- Revised by Melvin Davidson -- This function will clone all sequences, tables, data, views & functions from any existing schema to a new one -- SAMPLE CALL: -- SELECT clone_schema('public', 'new_schema'); DECLARE src_oid oid; func_oid oid; object text; buffer text; srctbl text; default_ text; column_ text; qry text; dest_qry text; v_def text; seqval bigint; sq_last_value bigint; sq_max_value bigint; sq_start_value bigint; sq_increment_by bigint; sq_min_value bigint; sq_cache_value bigint; sq_log_cnt bigint; sq_is_called boolean; sq_is_cycled boolean; sq_cycled char(10); BEGIN -- Check that source_schema exists SELECT oid INTO src_oid FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname = quote_ident(source_schema); IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE NOTICE 'source schema % does not exist!', source_schema; RETURN ; END IF; -- Check that dest_schema does not yet exist PERFORM nspname FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname = quote_ident(dest_schema); IF FOUND THEN RAISE NOTICE 'dest schema % already exists!', dest_schema; RETURN ; END IF; EXECUTE 'CREATE SCHEMA ' || quote_ident(dest_schema) ; -- Create sequences -- TODO: Find a way to make this sequence's owner is the correct table. FOR object IN SELECT sequence_name::text FROM information_schema.sequences WHERE sequence_schema = quote_ident(source_schema) LOOP EXECUTE 'CREATE SEQUENCE ' || quote_ident(dest_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(object); srctbl := quote_ident(source_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(object); EXECUTE 'SELECT last_value, max_value, start_value, increment_by, min_value, cache_value, log_cnt, is_cycled, is_called FROM ' || quote_ident(source_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(object) || ';' INTO sq_last_value, sq_max_value, sq_start_value, sq_increment_by, sq_min_value, sq_cache_value, sq_log_cnt, sq_is_cycled, sq_is_called ; IF sq_is_cycled THEN sq_cycled := 'CYCLE'; ELSE sq_cycled := 'NO CYCLE'; END IF; EXECUTE 'ALTER SEQUENCE ' || quote_ident(dest_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(object) || ' INCREMENT BY ' || sq_increment_by || ' MINVALUE ' || sq_min_value || ' MAXVALUE ' || sq_max_value || ' START WITH ' || sq_start_value || ' RESTART ' || sq_min_value || ' CACHE ' || sq_cache_value || sq_cycled || ' ;' ; buffer := quote_ident(dest_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(object); EXECUTE 'SELECT setval( ''' || buffer || ''', ' || sq_last_value || ', ' || sq_is_called || ');' ; END LOOP; -- Create tables FOR object IN SELECT TABLE_NAME::text FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = quote_ident(source_schema) AND table_type = 'BASE TABLE' LOOP buffer := dest_schema || '.' || quote_ident(object); EXECUTE 'CREATE TABLE ' || buffer || ' (LIKE ' || quote_ident(source_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(object) || ' INCLUDING CONSTRAINTS INCLUDING INDEXES INCLUDING DEFAULTS)'; -- Insert records from source table EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO ' || buffer || ' SELECT * FROM ' || quote_ident(source_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(object) || ';'; FOR column_, default_ IN SELECT column_name::text, REPLACE(column_default::text, source_schema, dest_schema) FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE table_schema = dest_schema AND TABLE_NAME = object AND column_default LIKE 'nextval(%' || quote_ident(source_schema) || '%::regclass)' LOOP EXECUTE 'ALTER TABLE ' || buffer || ' ALTER COLUMN ' || column_ || ' SET DEFAULT ' || default_; END LOOP; END LOOP; -- Create views FOR object IN SELECT table_name::text, view_definition FROM information_schema.views WHERE table_schema = quote_ident(source_schema) LOOP buffer := dest_schema || '.' || quote_ident(object); SELECT view_definition INTO v_def FROM information_schema.views WHERE table_schema = quote_ident(source_schema) AND table_name = quote_ident(object); EXECUTE 'CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ' || buffer || ' AS ' || v_def || ';' ; END LOOP; -- Create functions FOR func_oid IN SELECT oid FROM pg_proc WHERE pronamespace = src_oid LOOP SELECT pg_get_functiondef(func_oid) INTO qry; SELECT replace(qry, source_schema, dest_schema) INTO dest_qry; EXECUTE dest_qry; END LOOP; RETURN; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE COST 100; ALTER FUNCTION clone_schema(text, text) OWNER TO postgres;
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