On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 9:50 AM, Laurent Laborde <kerdezixe@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Friendly greetings !I'm wondering if anyone tried the following hot backup process, and if it works :pg_start_backup()zfs snapshoppg_stop_backup()copy the snapshot to the backup server.
That is how I currently handle our backup schema. I do a couple daily ZFS snapshots as well as Barman. In the event of a rollback being required I can go back to the latest usable snapshot and copy over the logs to the point in time I want to recover. Or even just go back to the snapshot point in time.
ZFS snapshots are useful for other reasons by themselves. Testing for example or transferring the DB from one machine to another, be it for replication or to give devs a copy.
Please note to delete snapshots periodically as they do take up data and increases scrub time. I normally keep 10 days worth of snapshots.
Thx :)PS : the WAL will still be archived the usual way.--Laurent "ker2x" Laborde