PostgreSQL 9.4.4 started in usual way
[postgres@ubuntu12-vm][20150731 06:26:06]:/db2/master$ pg_ctl start -D /db2/master/ -l serverlog
server starting
I can see root process for this then:
[postgres@ubuntu12-vm][20150731 06:38:36]:/db2/master$ ps -ef | grep "bin/postgres" | grep -v grep
postgres 5152 1 0 06:28 pts/0 00:00:00 /opt/postgres/9.4.4/bin/postgres -D /db2/master
If only simple telnet connection started:
[postgres@ubuntu12-vm][20150731 06:30:24]:/db2$ telnet 5551
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
new postgres process appeared as a child of the first one.
[postgres@ubuntu12-vm][20150731 06:38:42]:/db2/master$ ps -ef | grep "bin/postgres" | grep -v grep
postgres 5152 1 0 06:28 pts/0 00:00:00 /opt/postgres/9.4.4/bin/postgres -D /db2/master
postgres 6358 5152 0 06:39 ? 00:00:00 /opt/postgres/9.4.4/bin/postgres -D /db2/master
Is this an attempt to create new worker?
No records (presumably) in pg_stat_activity, only "invalid length of startup packet" after closing telnet session.
Regards, Andrey Lizenko