It worked!
Thanks kids, that was awesome!
One last question, is there a tutorial about accessing the back end using
Again, thanks soooo much!
-----Original Message-----
From: Raymond O'Donnell
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2015 9:28 AM
To: papa@xxxxxxxxxxx ; Adrian Klaver ; PostGreSQL MailingList
Subject: Re: I lost my password
On 27/07/2015 04:15, papa@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
OK, I think I should tell you folks that I am a newbie. I am using
postgresql to learn the SQL for the purpose of learning storing the data
in my c++ application. I have near zero knowledge of SQL or PostgreSQL
for that matter.
When I type C:\pgsql, I am asked to entered a password, but I don't
recall the any passwords I might've set up at installation time.
Hello there,
Adrian's advice about re-installing is probably the easiest way to do
it. However, here's another route, just for completeness (I'm assuming
that you're installing on your own laptop or similar, not a server):
Find the file pg_hba.conf in the data directory. Look for a "host" line
like this:
host all all md5
Change "md5" to "trust", save the file and re-start the PostgreSQL
service. You should then be able to connect without a password:
psql -U postgres
NB - If you don't specify a Postgres user with -U, Postgres assumes that
you're connecting as the current operating system user.
You can then reset the password for the user "postgres" (or whatever
user you used to connect):
alter role postgres with password 'whatever';
Don't forget to edit pg_hba.conf once again and set "trust" back to
"md5' (and re-start the service).
Finally, note that the "postgres" user is the super-user, so the usual
caveats apply... better to create another ordinary user for normal
I hope this helps,
Raymond O'Donnell :: Galway :: Ireland
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