A development box hard disk failed which was running a PG instance with multiple databases on it. I got the data recovered with some bad sector errors. Ran another instance of PG (same version), and was to able to take dump (using pg_dump) of all but one database. For one database I am getting the following error:
pg_dump -Fc alpha_45 > alpha_45.dump
pg_dump: [archiver (db)] connection to database "alpha_45" failed: FATAL: could not open file "base/525035/11678": No such file or directory
These are the only two files in the directory similar to the one above:
Is there any hope of recovering this DB, or should I start looking into restoring from old backups? Data loss is not a concern, I just would like to know if I should even try working on it. I looked into this page http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/runtime-config-developer.html, and tried using "zero_damaged_pages = on" in postgresql.conf, but it was of no help.
OS: FreeBSD 9.3
PG Version: 9.1
With regards