Hi, It is slower in default settings of vmware environment. But today vmware has invented other things like SSD cache, vsan etc. If you can afford that kind of i/o improvments in your environment, it is very reasonable to continue on vmware, especially due to the ha things.
2015-07-03 14:37 GMT+03:00 Andreas Joseph Krogh <andreas@xxxxxxxxxx>:
På fredag 03. juli 2015 kl. 12:35:07, skrev Jean-Gérard Pailloncy <jg.pailloncy@xxxxxxxx>:Hi,
I work on a project that collects geolocalized data.
All data will be in PostgreSQL / PostGIS.
The small PostgreSQL databases will be on Linux guests on VMWare hosts.
The size of the main database will grow by 50 TB / year, 500 M row / day.
For the largest one, we plan to test different options.
One of them is to stay with Linux on WMWare.
Outside the questions about schema, sharding, I would appreciate if some of you have informations, benchmarks, stories about big PostgreSQL databases on Linux guests on VMWare hosts.We have a 1.5T and growing DB which we started out hosting on VMWare, BIG mistake!Never, ever, run a production DB on anything other then bare metal servers. Once we blasted VMWare's 8GB disk-cache our DB random-read speed went down to 1MB/s with 8K blocks (as PG uses), yes that's one megabyte per second!