On 6/24/2015 8:44 AM, Gauthier, Dave wrote:
Hi: I'm trying to get a 10,000 ft understanding of the difference in DB
access speeds for two different scenarios...
Scenario 1: Apps are on linux. PG DB is on linux (different server
than apps)
Scenario 2: Apps are on linux. MSSql DB is on Windows (obviously a
different server)
The apps are typically perl scripts using Perl DBI.
I'm thinking that since perl has a DBD driver for PG, that would be
faster than going through ODBC to get to the MsSQL DB, but I'm not sure
about that.
Any insights/guesses ?
Thanks in Advance.
I think it'll depend on your usage.
If you fire off one really big analytic sql that chews on a huge table
and does stats and counts, then odbc vs native will make no difference.
If you fire off lots and lots of small querys that hit an index and
return very fast, then native is the way to go.
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