PostgreSQL has a fully standards compliant ODBC driver (See: https://odbc.postgresql.org/). Any application designed to communicate with DBMS over ODBC connection should be able to use that driver to communicate with PostgreSQL. Most applications that interact with databases come with ODBC drivers pre-installed for the most common databases (MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, etc.) but allow you to set up an ODBC driver for another DBMS.
Will J. Dunn
On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 3:04 PM, Mimiko <vbvbrj@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I have several programs which can use mysql,access,oracle DB as a front-end DB via odbc. Is there a method to emulate or hide the back-end DB so for program it will be seen as mysql, but real DB will be on postgres?
Thank you.
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