I think I understand now.
Thus, the issue at hand could (maybe) be solved by passing words first
to one of those more elaborate dictionaries (myspell, hunspell or
ispell) and if still necessary then to snowball.
Did I get this right?
On 26.05.2015 13:38, Albe Laurenz wrote:
Sven R. Kunze wrote:
Maybe, I have difficulties to understand the relationship/dependencies
between all these 'maybe' available dictionary/parser/stemmer packages.
What happens if I install all packages for a single language? (hunspell,
myspell, ispell, snowball)
Are they complementary? Do they replace each other?
They are all dictionaries.
The "text search configuration" determines which dictionaries get
applied to which kinds of words in which order.
So if you introduce a new dictionary, you either have to modify
an existing configuration or efine a new one to use it.
Laurenz Albe
Sven R. Kunze
TBZ-PARIV GmbH, Bernsdorfer Str. 210-212, 09126 Chemnitz
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