I'm working on a function that will return a set of test data, for unit testing database stuff. It does a few things, but ultimately returns SETOF record that's essentially:
Because it's always going to return a real relation, I'd like to be able to the equivalent of:
SELECT ... FROM my_function( 'some_table' )::some_table;
Unfortunately this means "cast the existing type to some_table" and "record" is not a valid type in this context.
Is there any trick that would allow that to work? I know that instead of 'SELECT * ...' I can do 'SELECT row(t.*) FROM ' || table_name || ' AS t' and then do
SELECT ... FROM my_function( 'some_table' ) AS data( d some_table )
but I'm hoping to avoid the extra level of indirection.
Haven't explored this specific code in depth...but which part - the function alias or the select row(t.*)? They seem to be independent concerns.
David J.