On 26 March 2015 at 06:02, Steve Boyle <sboyle@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
postgres=# SELECT bdr.bdr_group_create(
postgres(# local_node_name := 'cxtlabdev014',
postgres(# node_external_dsn := 'port=5432 dbname=prod'
postgres(# );
ERROR: getting remote node id failed
DETAIL: SELECT sysid, timeline, dboid FROM bdr.bdr_get_local_nodeid() failed with: ERROR: schema "bdr" does not exist
It looks like you're running bdr_group_create from the 'postgres' database, but you're specifying the dbname 'prod' as the database that you're creating the bdr group for.
You should CREATE EXTENSION bdr; in the 'prod' database and run bdr.bdr_group_create while connected to 'prod'.
The documentation should be more explicit about the fact that the management commands affect the database they are run in.
Thanks for writing a clear and detailed report with errors, versions, and command shown. It's much appreciated.