2015-02-24 10:39 GMT-05:00 Albe Laurenz <laurenz.albe@xxxxxxxxxx>:
datname | oid | spcname | oid
mydb| 942258 | diamonds | 940585
(1 row)
Guillaume Drolet wrote:
>> If you want to move a whole database to a different tablespace (the only reason
>> I can think of for doing what you are trying to so), use the command
> Thanks Laurenz. I tried your suggestion:
> psql -U postgres -c "ALTER DATABASE mydb SET TABLESPACE pg_default;"
> I get this message:
> ERROR: some relations of database "mortalite" are already in tablespace "pg_default"
> HINT : You must move them back to the database's default tablespace before using this command.
> But if I do "SHOW default_tablespace;" in mydb, it showed "pg_default" as the default tablespace.
> So I tried changing it back to the tablespace I want to get rid of to subsequently moved everything
> back there so that ultimately, it lets me move everything to pg_default:
> ALTER DATABASE mydb SET default_tablespace = diamonds;
> And then:
> psql -U postgres -c "ALTER DATABASE mydb SET TABLESPACE diamonds;"
> ALTER DATABASE is issued but nothing gets physically moved to diamonds. Why?
I guess the problem is that you already moved a lot of tables around.
Could you connect to the database and try the following:
SELECT d.datname, d.oid, sp.spcname, sp.oid
FROM pg_tablespace sp JOIN
pg_database d ON sp.oid = d.dattablespace
WHERE datname = current_database();
datname | oid | spcname | oid
mydb| 942258 | diamonds | 940585
(1 row)
SELECT t.relname, t.reltablespace, sp.spcname
FROM pg_class t LEFT JOIN
pg_tablespace sp ON sp.oid = t.reltablespace;
relname | reltablespace | spcname
geography_columns | 0 |
geometry_dump | 0 |
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indexbdtq_wgs84_gid_seq | 0 |
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pg_authid_rolname_index | 1664 | pg_global
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pg_shadow | 0 |
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pg_toast_1255 | 0 |
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pg_toast_2604 | 0 |
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pg_toast_2396 | 1664 | pg_global
pg_toast_2396_index | 1664 | pg_global
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pg_statio_sys_tables | 0 |
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role_usage_grants | 0 |
mod09a1_sur_refl_b06_amonth_idx | 1663 | pg_default
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_pg_foreign_servers | 0 |
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pg_toast_11618 | 1663 | pg_default
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_pg_foreign_tables | 0 |
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foreign_tables | 0 |
_pg_user_mappings | 0 |
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raster_overviews | 0 |
mod09a1_sur_refl_b06_aday_idx | 1663 | pg_default
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station_idx | 1663 | pg_default
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mcd12q1_land_cover_type_1_amonth_idx | 1663 | pg_default
mcd12q1_land_cover_type_1_aday_idx | 1663 | pg_default
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mod09a1_sur_refl_b05_amonth_idx | 1663 | pg_default
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pg_toast_2618 | 0 |
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pg_toast_2609 | 0 |
pg_toast_2609_index | 0 |
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pg_toast_2964_index | 1664 | pg_global
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pg_auth_members_member_role_index | 1664 | pg_global
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pg_toast_3596_index | 0 |
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pg_collation_name_enc_nsp_index | 0 |
pg_toast_2604 | 0 |
pg_toast_2620 | 0 |
pg_toast_2620_index | 0 |
pg_toast_2396 | 1664 | pg_global
pg_toast_2396_index | 1664 | pg_global
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pg_shdepend_reference_index | 1664 | pg_global
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pg_statio_sys_tables | 0 |
mcd12q1_land_cover_type_1_pkey | 1663 | pg_default
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pg_stat_all_indexes | 0 |
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pg_statio_user_indexes | 0 |
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mod09a1_sur_refl_b05_aday_idx | 1663 | pg_default
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pg_database | 1664 | pg_global
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triggered_update_columns | 0 |
triggers | 0 |
udt_privileges | 0 |
role_udt_grants | 0 |
usage_privileges | 0 |
role_usage_grants | 0 |
mod09a1_sur_refl_b06_amonth_idx | 1663 | pg_default
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views | 0 |
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_pg_foreign_data_wrappers | 0 |
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foreign_data_wrappers | 0 |
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pg_toast_11618 | 1663 | pg_default
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_pg_foreign_tables | 0 |
foreign_table_options | 0 |
foreign_tables | 0 |
_pg_user_mappings | 0 |
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user_mappings | 0 |
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agg_samealignment | 0 |
unionarg | 0 |
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raster_overviews | 0 |
mod09a1_sur_refl_b06_aday_idx | 1663 | pg_default
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station_idx | 1663 | pg_default
mcd12q2_nbar_evi_onset_greenness_maximum_pkey | 1663 | pg_default
mcd12q2_nbar_evi_onset_greenness_maximum_gist_idx | 1663 | pg_default
mcd12q2_nbar_evi_onset_greenness_maximum_ayear_idx | 1663 | pg_default
mcd12q1_land_cover_type_1_gist_idx | 1663 | pg_default
mcd12q1_land_cover_type_1_ayear_idx | 1663 | pg_default
mcd12q1_land_cover_type_1_amonth_idx | 1663 | pg_default
mcd12q1_land_cover_type_1_aday_idx | 1663 | pg_default
extent_tight_gid_seq | 0 |
validatetopology_returntype | 0 |
topogeometry | 0 |
(1613 rows)