Hi, i want previous updates to rollback ... like nothing happened (a normal begin/rollback behaviour)
On 19 February 2015 at 15:34, Alvaro Herrera <alvherre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Juan Pablo L wrote:
> Hello, i have created a function (in C) that receives an array that
> contains tuples of ID's and values.
Why are you writing a C function? Sounds like you could accomplish the
same with a plpgsql function, with much less effort.
> The function is to execute updates on each ID assigning the value, but if
> one of these operation fails (does not meet certain criteria)
> inside the function i would like to rollback and leave everything
> untouched, in case other ID;s were already updated previously,
> and come back to the caller and inform about it.
Do you want previous updates to remain in place, or do you want to roll
them back too? This is not clear.
Álvaro Herrera http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
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