On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 11:29 AM, Seref Arikan <serefarikan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Bill,Could you point at some resource(s) that discuss inserting directly into the partition? Would it be possible to read directly from the partition as well?
When preparing your SQL statement, you just specify the partition directly like this. Here's a snippet from my code in perl.
my $msg_recipients_modulo = 100; # number of partitions
sub msg_recipients_part($) {
use integer;
my $id = shift;
my $part = $id % $msg_recipients_modulo;
return 'msg_recipients_' . sprintf('%02d',$part);
then in when generating sql you do
$table = msg_recipients_part($msg_id);
$sql = "SELECT FROM $table WHERE ..."
or something similar for insert/update.