On 01/12/2015 10:45 PM, Yelai, Ramkumar IN BLR STS wrote:
I have migrated my postgresql 9.2 schemas to Postgres 9.4 (only table
scheme migrated not the data ). I have used the following sql to
convert table output to json in 9.2.
select array_to_json(array_agg(row_to_json(R.*)))::text from ( select "
ID", " TIME” from "SN_TestTable" )R;
IN 9.2, I used to get this result "[{"id":1,"time":"2015-01-13
But same code in 9.4 produce this result
"[{"id":1,"time":"2015-01-13T12:09:45.348"}]" . “T” separator is added
between date and time.
Seems json coversion is followed ISO8601 for the timestamp. This issue
is resolved by sending “TIME” column as text instead of Timestamp
without timezone.
But how do I fix this problem without converting to text.
You have already found the fix:) It is a change in 9.4:
When converting values of type date, timestamp or timestamptz to JSON,
render the values in a format compliant with ISO 8601 (Andrew Dunstan)
Previously such values were rendered according to the current DateStyle
setting; but many JSON processors require timestamps to be in ISO 8601
format. If necessary, the previous behavior can be obtained by
explicitly casting the datetime value to text before passing it to the
JSON conversion function.
With best regards,
Ramkumar Yelai
Siemens Technology and Services Private Limited
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