Well I'm trying to implement a window-function that works on range_types and produces 'atomic ranges' for each input range.
Let's say I have a set of ranges some overlapping some not, and I want to split each range at every boundary of every overlapping range and return those.I need to consider both upper and lower boundaries and to be able to do this in one pass over the data I need to sort both the upper and lower boundaries and also sort the original ranges so I can loop over the ranges and boundaries in lockstep to produce the arrays.
As a last step I sort back the arrays of atomic ranges in the original order in the window so I can read out the tuplesort in that order and return each array to its corresponding range r.
(The result can be used to answer questions like what are the maximum number of simultaneously overlapping ranges and at which ranges the maximum occurs)
Best Regards
Dan S
2014-12-26 18:57 GMT+01:00 Tom Lane <tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
Dan S <strd911@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
> I'm trying to write a window function in C .
> In the function I'm using a tuplesort to sort the window data and then do
> some processing.
Hmm ... why do you feel you need to do that? The window function's input
should already be sorted according to the window specification.
> Now when I'm running the function I get this: 'WARNING: temporary file
> leak: File 43 still referenced'
> The warning comes from my failure to call tuplesort_end at the appropriate
> time.
> So I think I need to use some callback mechanism to get that to work.
> I've found some reference in the postgres source code to
> RegisterExprContextCallback which seemed promising but I have no idea how
> to get the right _expression_ context to put in as the first argument to that
> function.
I don't think there is one :-(. WindowAgg has a per-input-tuple econtext,
and a per-output-tuple econtext, but what you'd need for this is a
partition-lifespan econtext, which doesn't exist.
It's possible that we could promote the "partcontext" memory context into
a full econtext so as to support this sort of behavior. But I'd want to
see a reasonably convincing use-case for it.
regards, tom lane