On 12/24/2014 02:29 AM, Andrey Lizenko wrote:
every execute of 'pg_logical_slot_get_changes' is logged by
2014-12-23 11:41:53 EST STATEMENT: SELECT * FROM
pg_logical_slot_get_changes('regression_slot', NULL, NULL);
2014-12-23 11:42:21 EST LOG: starting logical decoding for slot
2014-12-23 11:42:21 EST DETAIL: streaming transactions committing
after A/4E026FD8, reading WAL from A/4E026ED0
logs settings are almost default:
postgres=# select name, setting from pg_settings where name like
name | setting
log_autovacuum_min_duration | -1
log_checkpoints | off
log_connections | off
log_destination | stderr
log_directory | pg_log
log_disconnections | off
log_duration | off
log_error_verbosity | default
log_executor_stats | off
log_file_mode | 0600
log_filename | postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log
log_hostname | off
log_line_prefix | %t
log_lock_waits | off
log_min_duration_statement | -1
log_min_error_statement | error
log_min_messages | warning
log_parser_stats | off
log_planner_stats | off
log_rotation_age | 1440
log_rotation_size | 10240
log_statement | none
log_statement_stats | off
log_temp_files | -1
log_timezone | US/Eastern
log_truncate_on_rotation | off
logging_collector | off
(27 rows)
Is it possible to reduce verbose level for this?
Set log_error_verbosity to terse:
log_error_verbosity (enum)
Controls the amount of detail written in the server log for each
message that is logged. Valid values are TERSE, DEFAULT, and VERBOSE,
each adding more fields to displayed messages. TERSE excludes the
logging of DETAIL, HINT, QUERY, and CONTEXT error information. VERBOSE
output includes the SQLSTATE error code (see also Appendix A) and the
source code file name, function name, and line number that generated the
error. Only superusers can change this setting.
Sort of surprised that the SELECT showed up when log_statement = none.
Did you reload Postgres after making changes to the config?
Server version is 9.4.0, OS is Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
Regards, Andrey Lizenko
Adrian Klaver
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