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segmentation fault postgres 9.3.5 core dump perlu related ?

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We are developing on and  running Postgres 9.3.5 on  FreeBsd 10.0-p12.

We have been experiencing a intermittent postgres core dump which

Seems primarily to be associated with the the 2  functions below.


The area of interest is  based on the content of the postgres log file which often indicates


2014-12-01T14:37:41.559725-05:00 puertorico local0 info postgres[30154]: [3-1] LOG:  server process (PID 30187) was terminated by signal 11: Segmentation fault

2014-12-01T14:37:41.559787-05:00 puertorico local0 info postgres[30154]: [3-2] DETAIL:  Failed process was running: SELECT * FROM cc.get_port_and_registration_data($1, $2, $3, $4, $5)

2014-12-01T14:37:41.559794-05:00 puertorico local0 info postgres[30154]: [4-1] LOG:  terminating any other active server processes


And that the core file back trace may show  association to perl libraries  of which we only have two possibilities currently, and this is the most relevant logic.


Given the onset of this problem,  we suspect it has something to do with the addition of  DNS lookup within the our  perlu function cc.get_sip_id(…).

I would note that we have captured the details of the arguments to the cc.get_port_and_registration_data at time of a core  and can repeat

the same query after the core event without incident.  Currently we are testing for an absence of the core event by commenting out dns  perl function logic and

have rebuilt postgres with debugging symbols.  An example core of this output is below.  ( prior to function alteration ).


I am usually attempting to debug simpler  program errors  without such a bad impact on the postgres server.

I would appreciate any comment on potential issues or bad practices in the suspect functions and/or additional details

that could be  gathered from the core files that might assist in resolving this matter.  





Dave Day




CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cc.get_port_and_registration_data(cca character varying, tgrp character varying, dhost character varying, usr character varying[], orig_flag boolean)

  RETURNS SETOF cc.port_type_tbl AS


--  The inputs to this overloaded function are sip parameters.




DECLARE sql_result record;




  SELECT * FROM cc.get_sip_id($1,$2,$3, $4) INTO pid LIMIT 1;   -- Perl invocation


  FOR sql_result IN

       SELECT cc.get_db_refhndl($5)AS db_ref_hndl,* FROM  cc.port_info t1

             LEFT JOIN (SELECT translator_id, mgcp_digit_map FROM cc.translator_sys) t2 USING (translator_id)

             LEFT JOIN cc.register_port USING (port_id)

       WHERE port_id = pid AND op_mode = 'default'

       ORDER by expiration DESC


    RETURN NEXT sql_result;






  COST 100

  ROWS 1000;

ALTER FUNCTION cc.get_port_and_registration_data(character varying, character varying, character varying, character varying[], boolean)

  OWNER TO redcom;



CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cc.get_sip_id(cca character varying, tgrp character varying, dhost character varying, usr character varying[])

  RETURNS integer AS



use Socket qw(getaddrinfo getnameinfo


use URI;


sub is_local {

    my $host = shift(@_);

    my $result = 0;

    open my $fh, "/sbin/route get $host |";

    while (<$fh>) {

        if (m/interface/) {


            my @fields = split /\s+/;

            if ($fields[2] eq "lo0") {

                $result = 1;





    close $fh;

    return $result;



my ($cca, $tgrp, $dhost, $usr) = @_;


$do_dns_lookup = 1;


    my $query = qq{

        SELECT sip_dns_lookup_on_incoming_requests FROM admin.system_options;


    my $rv = spi_exec_query($query, 1);

    if ($rv->{status} =~ /^SPI_OK/ && $rv->{processed} > 0) {

        $do_dns_lookup = $rv->{rows}[0]->{sip_dns_lookup_on_incoming_requests};




if ($tgrp ne '') {

    my $query = qq{

        SELECT port_id FROM cc.port_info WHERE destination_group_id = '$tgrp';


    my $rv = spi_exec_query($query, 1);

    if ($rv->{status} =~ /^SPI_OK/ && $rv->{processed} > 0) {

        return $rv->{rows}[0]->{port_id};




if ($cca ne '') {

    my $query = qq{

        SELECT port_id FROM cc.port_info WHERE call_control_agent = '$cca';


    my $rv = spi_exec_query($query, 1);

    if ($rv->{status} =~ /^SPI_OK/ && $rv->{processed} > 0) {

        return $rv->{rows}[0]->{port_id};




for my $uristr (@$usr) {

    if ($uristr ne '') {

        my $uri = URI->new($uristr);

        if (is_local($uri->host)) {

            $dhost = '';

            my $name = $uri->user;

            if ($name ne '') {

                my $query = qq{

                    SELECT port_id FROM cc.port_info

                    WHERE registration_user = '$name';


                my $rv = spi_exec_query($query, 1);

                if ($rv->{status} =~ /^SPI_OK/ && $rv->{processed} > 0) {

                    return $rv->{rows}[0]->{port_id};







if ($dhost ne '') {

    $pattern = "[:@]" . quotemeta($dhost) . "(?::\\\d+)?(?:;.*)?\$";

    my $query = qq{

        SELECT port_id FROM cc.port_info

        WHERE port_address ~* '$pattern';


    my $rv = spi_exec_query($query, 1);

    if ($rv->{status} =~ /^SPI_OK/ && $rv->{processed} > 0) {

        return $rv->{rows}[0]->{port_id};


    if ($do_dns_lookup) {

        my %hints = (family => PF_UNSPEC, socktype => SOCK_STREAM, flags => AI_NUMERICHOST);

        $dhost_trimmed = ($dhost =~ m/\[(.*)\]/) ? $1 : $dhost;

        my ($err, @result) = getaddrinfo($dhost_trimmed, "", \%hints);

        if ($err == 0) {

            for my $ai (@result) {

                my ($err, $hostname) = getnameinfo($ai->{addr}, NI_NAMEREQD, NIx_NOSERV);

                if ($err == 0 && $hostname ne '') {

                    $pattern = "[:@]" . quotemeta($hostname) . "(?::\\\d+)?(?:;.*)?\$";

                    my $query = qq{

                        SELECT port_id FROM cc.port_info

                        WHERE port_address ~* '$pattern';


                    my $rv = spi_exec_query($query , 1);

                    if ($rv->{status} =~ /^SPI_OK/ && $rv->{processed} > 0) {

                        return $rv->{rows}[0]->{port_id};





    } else {

        if ($dhost eq "") {

            $pattern = "[:@]localhost(?::\\\d+)?(?:;.*)?\$";

            my $query = qq{

                SELECT port_id FROM cc.port_info

                WHERE port_address ~* '$pattern';


            my $rv = spi_exec_query($query , 1);

            if ($rv->{status} =~ /^SPI_OK/ && $rv->{processed} > 0) {

                return $rv->{rows}[0]->{port_id};






for my $uristr (@$usr) {

    if ($uristr ne '') {

        my $uri = URI->new($uristr);

        my $name = $uri->user;

        if ($name ne '') {

            my $query = qq{

                SELECT port_id FROM cc.port_info

                WHERE registration_user = '$name';


            my $rv = spi_exec_query($query, 1);

            if ($rv->{status} =~ /^SPI_OK/ && $rv->{processed} > 0) {

                return $rv->{rows}[0]->{port_id};






return 0;



  COST 100;

ALTER FUNCTION cc.get_sip_id(character varying, character varying, character varying, character varying[])

  OWNER TO redcom;



txt file icon georgia_core_3.txt (11,088 bytes) 2014-12-01 11:27

(gdb) bt full
#0  0x00000000006f50b0 in spg_range_quad_picksplit (fcinfo=<optimized out>) at rangetypes_spgist.c:233
        empty = 0 '\000'
        empty = 0 '\000'
        in = 0xf93a1
        typcache = 0x0
        i = <error reading variable i (Cannot access memory at address 0x0)>
        nonEmptyCount = <optimized out>
        centroid = <optimized out>
#1  0x0000000000705681 in perform_relmap_update (updates=<optimized out>, shared=0 '\000') at relmapper.c:842
        newmap = {magic = 7296347, num_mappings = 0, mappings = {{mapoid = 4294948304, mapfilenode = 32767}, {mapoid = 2679032113, mapfilenode = 0}, {mapoid = 4294948336, mapfilenode = 32767}, {
              mapoid = 7296186, mapfilenode = 0}, {mapoid = 0, mapfilenode = 0}, {mapoid = 43286576, mapfilenode = 8}, {mapoid = 4294948400, mapfilenode = 32767}, {mapoid = 0, mapfilenode = 0}, {
              mapoid = 4294948736, mapfilenode = 32767}, {mapoid = 7295065, mapfilenode = 0}, {mapoid = 4294967294, mapfilenode = 0}, {mapoid = 43297248, mapfilenode = 8}, {mapoid = 640,
              mapfilenode = 0}, {mapoid = 43297240, mapfilenode = 8}, {mapoid = 4088945280, mapfilenode = 0}, {mapoid = 218805760, mapfilenode = 8}, {mapoid = 0, mapfilenode = 196609}, {
              mapoid = 0, mapfilenode = 0}, {mapoid = 6913104, mapfilenode = 0}, {mapoid = 184, mapfilenode = 65538}, {mapoid = 2, mapfilenode = 0}, {mapoid = 0, mapfilenode = 0}, {
              mapoid = 42547296, mapfilenode = 8}, {mapoid = 0, mapfilenode = 0}, {mapoid = 1020833, mapfilenode = 0}, {mapoid = 0, mapfilenode = 196610}, {mapoid = 0, mapfilenode = 0}, {
              mapoid = 6824176, mapfilenode = 0}, {mapoid = 63, mapfilenode = 65538}, {mapoid = 2, mapfilenode = 0}, {mapoid = 0, mapfilenode = 0}, {mapoid = 42547296, mapfilenode = 8}, {
              mapoid = 0, mapfilenode = 0}, {mapoid = 15, mapfilenode = 0}, {mapoid = 0, mapfilenode = 196611}, {mapoid = 0, mapfilenode = 0}, {mapoid = 6698992, mapfilenode = 0}, {mapoid = 60,
              mapfilenode = 65538}, {mapoid = 2, mapfilenode = 0}, {mapoid = 0, mapfilenode = 0}, {mapoid = 42547296, mapfilenode = 8}, {mapoid = 0, mapfilenode = 0} <repeats 11 times>, {
              mapoid = 4294967295, mapfilenode = 0}, {mapoid = 218817224, mapfilenode = 8}, {mapoid = 218805768, mapfilenode = 8}, {mapoid = 22, mapfilenode = 0}, {mapoid = 15, mapfilenode = 0}, {
              mapoid = 1020833, mapfilenode = 0}, {mapoid = 4294948784, mapfilenode = 32767}, {mapoid = 7362177, mapfilenode = 0}, {mapoid = 0, mapfilenode = 0}, {mapoid = 218817224,
              mapfilenode = 8}}, crc = 226, pad = 0}
#2  AtEOXact_RelationMap (isCommit=<optimized out>) at relmapper.c:423
No locals.
#3  0x00000000005c3fe0 in cost_merge_append (path=0x80d0ae318, root=0xda8e0956, pathkeys=0xe02190c4, n_streams=<optimized out>, input_startup_cost=6.9533558069622868e-310,
    input_total_cost=1.7084015800703071e-313, tuples=6.9533558069255283e-310) at costsize.c:1383
        run_cost = <optimized out>
        startup_cost = <optimized out>
        N = 1.6996756523143625e-313
        comparison_cost = <optimized out>
        logN = <optimized out>
#4  0x00000000005c3f30 in cost_sort (path=0xf, root=0xda8e0956, pathkeys=0xe02190c4, input_cost=<optimized out>, tuples=<optimized out>, width=<optimized out>, comparison_cost=<optimized out>,
    sort_mem=<optimized out>, limit_tuples=<optimized out>) at costsize.c:1303
        mergeorder = 0
        npageaccesses = <optimized out>
        nruns = <optimized out>
        startup_cost = 1.6996987484999217e-313
        run_cost = <optimized out>
        input_bytes = <optimized out>
        output_bytes = <optimized out>
        sort_mem_bytes = <optimized out>
#5  0x00000000005bf6d3 in remove_gene (root=<optimized out>, gene=<optimized out>, edge=..., edge_table=<optimized out>) at geqo_erx.c:257
        possess_edge = <optimized out>
        genes_remaining = -534671164
#6  gimme_tour (root=0x7fffffffbb00, edge_table=0x16, new_gene=0x100000001, num_gene=1020833) at geqo_erx.c:208
        edge_failures = <error reading variable edge_failures (Cannot access memory at address 0x0)>
#7  0x00000000005be515 in copyParamList (from=0x1) at params.c:69
        typLen = 0
        typLen = 0
        oprm = 0x80294a9d8
        typByVal = 127 '\177'
        typByVal = 127 '\177'
        nprm = 0x80d0903a8
        size = <optimized out>
        retval = 0x80d0903a8
        i = <error reading variable i (Cannot access memory at address 0x0)>
#8  0x00000000005d6d1e in create_lateral_join_info (root=0x80d0abd58) at initsplan.c:547
        brel = 0x7
        lateral_referencers = <optimized out>
        lc = <optimized out>
        rti = <optimized out>
#9  0x00000000005d8b83 in query_planner (root=0x0, tlist=0x802ba2120, tuple_fraction=3.0451286481687515e-317, limit_tuples=0, qp_callback=0x7fffffffbbd0, qp_extra=0x80d0ab2f0,
    cheapest_path=0x80d0ab390, sorted_path=0x80d0ab358, num_groups=<optimized out>) at planmain.c:128
        parse = 0x80d090718
        joinlist = <optimized out>
        total_pages = <optimized out>
        final_rel = <optimized out>
        cheapestpath = <optimized out>
        sortedpath = <optimized out>
#10 0x00000000005d7c54 in distribute_qual_to_rels (root=0x80d0903a8, clause=0x802ba2120, is_deduced=0 '\000', below_outer_join=8 '\b', jointype=8, qualscope=0x802ba2120, ojscope=0x0,
    outerjoin_nonnullable=<optimized out>, deduced_nullable_relids=<optimized out>, postponed_qual_list=<optimized out>) at initsplan.c:1379
        relids = 0x802a00a68
        nullable_relids = 0x60
        relids = 0x802a00a68
        relids = 0x802a00a68
        relids = 0x802a00a68
        relids = 0x802a00a68
        relids = 0x802a00a68
        nullable_relids = 0x60
        pseudoconstant = <error reading variable pseudoconstant (Cannot access memory at address 0x0)>
        maybe_equivalence = <optimized out>
        outerjoin_delayed = <optimized out>
        restrictinfo = <optimized out>
#11 0x00000000005d705b in deconstruct_recurse (root=0x802a00a68, jtnode=0x0, below_outer_join=8 '\b', qualscope=0x0, inner_join_rels=0x802a00a68, postponed_qual_list=0x60) at initsplan.c:744
        sub_qualscope = 0x802ba2120
        sub_qualscope = 0x802ba2120
        sub_joinlist = 0x802a00a68
        sub_members = <optimized out>
        child_postponed_quals = 0x802b96080
        l = <optimized out>
        joinlist = <optimized out>
#12 0x000000000063ebed in mdtruncate (reln=<optimized out>, forknum=32767, nblocks=0) at md.c:921
        lastsegblocks = <optimized out>
        ov = <optimized out>
        curnblk = <optimized out>
        v = <optimized out>
#13 0x000000000063ecab in mdpostckpt () at md.c:1287
        absorb_counter = <optimized out>
#14 0x00000000006f88b5 in SearchCatCache (cache=0x63ebed <mdtruncate+461>, v1=<optimized out>, v2=<optimized out>, v3=<optimized out>, v4=140737488338336) at catcache.c:1117
        __atp = <optimized out>
        __test = <optimized out>
        __isnull = 0 '\000'
        __isnull = 0 '\000'
        __isnull = 0 '\000'
        __cur_keys = 0x802ba2120
        __cur_nkeys = <optimized out>
        cur_skey = {{sk_flags = 45752608, sk_attno = 8, sk_strategy = 0, sk_subtype = 218892072, sk_collation = 8, sk_func = {fn_addr = 0x60, fn_oid = 96, fn_nargs = 0, fn_strict = 0 '\000',
              fn_retset = 0 '\000', fn_stats = 104 'h', fn_extra = 0x0, fn_mcxt = 0x802a00a68, fn_expr = 0x0}, sk_argument = 34403781224}, {sk_flags = 218694424, sk_attno = 8, sk_strategy = 0,
            sk_subtype = 0, sk_collation = 0, sk_func = {fn_addr = 0x0, fn_oid = 4294950464, fn_nargs = 32767, fn_strict = 0 '\000', fn_retset = 0 '\000', fn_stats = 91 '[',
              fn_extra = 0x802b96830, fn_mcxt = 0x802ba2120, fn_expr = 0x802b96080}, sk_argument = 0}, {sk_flags = 45752608, sk_attno = 8, sk_strategy = 0, sk_subtype = 0, sk_collation = 0,
            sk_func = {fn_addr = 0x802a00a68, fn_oid = 0, fn_nargs = 0, fn_strict = 0 '\000', fn_retset = 0 '\000', fn_stats = 112 'p', fn_extra = 0x63ebed <mdtruncate+461>,
              fn_mcxt = 0x802ba2030, fn_expr = 0x0}, sk_argument = 34403781224}, {sk_flags = 0, sk_attno = 0, sk_strategy = 0, sk_subtype = 4294950560, sk_collation = 32767, sk_func = {
              fn_addr = 0x63ecab <mdpostckpt+11>, fn_oid = 45752432, fn_nargs = 8, fn_strict = 0 '\000', fn_retset = 0 '\000', fn_stats = 0 '\000', fn_extra = 0x802a00a68, fn_mcxt = 0x802b94830,
              fn_expr = 0x7fffffffbee0}, sk_argument = 7309493}}
        hashValue = 4294950304
        hashIndex = 218892072
        bucket = 0x802b94830
        relation = <optimized out>
        scandesc = <optimized out>
        ntp = <optimized out>
        ct = <optimized out>
#15 0x00000000006f835f in InitCatCache (id=-19952, reloid=3666741590, indexoid=3760296132, nkeys=43297240, key=0x7ff7fd6b3590, nbuckets=218838980) at catcache.c:730
        oldcxt = 0x802a00a68
#16 0x000000000059329c in _SPI_execute_plan (plan=0x802b94800, paramLI=0x802b94830, snapshot=<optimized out>, crosscheck_snapshot=0x802a00a01, read_only=0 '\000', fire_triggers=<optimized out>,
    tcount=<optimized out>) at spi.c:2194
        completionTag = "\240\277\377\377\377\177\000\000\234\062Y\000\000\000\000\000\060l\271\002\b\000\000\000\060H\271\002\b\000\000\000x\v\240\002\000\000\000\000h\n\240\002\b\000\000\000p\302
        canSetTag = <optimized out>
        dest = <optimized out>
        stmt_list = <optimized out>
        lc2 = <optimized out>
        spierrcontext = {previous = 0x8029f7140, callback = 0x80bc09448, arg = 0x802a00a68}
        spierrcontext = {previous = 0x8029f7140, callback = 0x80bc09448, arg = 0x802a00a68}
        my_res = <error reading variable my_res (Cannot access memory at address 0xe)>
        my_processed = <error reading variable my_processed (Cannot access memory at address 0x0)>
        my_lastoid = <error reading variable my_lastoid (Cannot access memory at address 0x0)>
        res = <error reading variable res (Cannot access memory at address 0x0)>
        pushed_active_snap = <error reading variable pushed_active_snap (Cannot access memory at address 0x0)>
        my_tuptable = <optimized out>
        cplan = 0x0
        lc1 = <optimized out>
#17 0x000000080b9078c5 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
#18 0x000000080b9083d0 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
#19 0x000000080bc09a00 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
#20 0x00007fffffffc288 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
#21 0x000000080bc09a70 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
#22 0x000000080bc098f8 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
#23 0x00007fffffffc288 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
#24 0x00007fffffffc150 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
#25 0x000000080b9083e5 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
#26 0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.


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