Le 9 oct. 2014 01:31, "Andreas Joseph Krogh" <andreas@xxxxxxxxxx> a écrit :
> Hi all.
> I'm having a database, called "apeland", which at first (when created) was in the default-tablespace (in $PGDATA), then I moved it with the commands:
> # create tablespace apeland location '/home/andreak/programs/postgresql/9.3.5/tablespaces/apeland';
> Check space-usage before moving:
> $ du -hs data/ tablespaces/
> 59M data/
> 27M tablespaces/
> Move the database to new tablespace
> # alter database apeland set tablespace apeland;
> Check space-usage after moving:
> $ du -hs data/ tablespaces/
> 52M data/
> 34M tablespaces/
> Then I created this table:
> # create table files(data oid);
> Insert this file:
> $ du -hs origo-war-01-14-01.20.war
> 130M origo-war-01-14-01.20.war
> # insert into files(data) values(lo_import('/home/andreak/data/origo-war-01-14-01.20.war'));
> INSERT 0 1
> Check space-usage:
> $ du -hs data/ tablespaces/
> 164M data/
> 208M tablespaces/
> Now - why is so much extra space used in $PGDATA? Is there a way to reclame it? Was the "apeland"-db moved completely or is there lots dangeling left in PGDATA?
Everything is moved if you used ALTER DATABASE.
I'd guess what you have in the data folder are mostly WAL files. You should use du on data/base to get size from relations' files, and not everything else including configuration files.