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Re: password in recovery.conf

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On 09/26/2014 12:58 PM, Nelson Green wrote:
Hello all,

I am setting up a streaming replication stand-by, and the replication
role password has a single quote in it. I am unable to properly
reference the password in the conninfo setting of recovery.conf so it
will authenticate to the master. Doubling the quote gives me a syntax
error, and escaping it or quoting it with double-quotes gives me an
authentication error. The password is correct because I can copy it from
the recovery.conf and supply it when prompted by pg_basebackup, so if I
may, what is the proper way to handle single quotes within the conninfo

Doubling the quote seems to work here.

aklaver@panda:~> psql 'dbname=test user=test_user password=test''pwd'
psql (9.0.17)
Type "help" for help.


What is the syntax error you get?

Another option:

A password needs to be provided too, if the primary demands password authentication. It can be provided in the primary_conninfo string, or in a separate ~/.pgpass file on the standby server (use replication as the database name)
So you might look at setting up a .pgpass 
Obviously I can change the password, but we use an automated password
generator so I'd like to not have to keep generating passwords, and
checking them, until I get one that will work, unless that my only option.


Adrian Klaver

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