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Re: which Update quicker

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On 09/23/2014 12:35 PM, Emi Lu wrote:
Hello list,

For a big table with more than 1,000,000 records, may I know which update is quicker please?
(1) update t1
      set c1 = a.c1
      from a
      where pk and
                 t1.c1       <> a.c1;
      update t1
      set c_N = a.c_N
      from a
      where pk and
                 t1.c_N       <> a.c_N;

(2)  update t1
      set c1 = a.c1 ,
            c2  = a.c2,
            c_N = a.c_N
     from a
     where pk AND
               (  t1.c1 <> a.c1 OR t1.c2 <> a.c2..... t1.c_N <> a.c_N)


We don't have any info about table structures, index availability and usage for query optimization, whether or not the updated columns are part of an index, amount of memory available, disk speed, portion of t1 that will be updated, PostgreSQL settings, etc. so it's really anyone's guess. A million rows is pretty modest so I was able to try a couple variants of "update...from..." on million row tables on my aging desktop without coming close to the 60-second mark.
*Usually* putting statements into a single transaction is better (as 
would happen automatically in case 2). Also, to the extent that a given 
tuple would have multiple columns updated you will have less bloat and 
I/O using the query that updates the tuple once rather than multiple 
times. But a lot will depend on the efficiency of looking up the 
appropriate data in "a."

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