On 14 September 2014 22:01, cowwoc <cowwoc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I'd like to propose the ability to create temporary schemas.
Unlike temporary tables, this feature would enable developers to create a
temporary schema once and execute CREATE TABLE statements without the
TEMPORARY parameter.
I think you can use "pg_temp" for this - it's an alias to the current session's temporary schema. If you set the current schema with "SET search_path TO pg_temp", all tables, views, functions and so on will be created in a temporary schema.
The only downside is that you'd need to reference any function calls with pg_temp explicitly, as pg_temp is "never searched for function or operator names" (see http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/runtime-config-client.html).
I have just replied to your Stack Exchange answer too.