I want to change the timezone to Europe/Moscow. Moscow timezone is changing from +4 to +3
On the box, I have changed the timezone to MSK+3.
From the db side I have modified the following files:
1) postgresql.conf
I want to change the timezone to Europe/Moscow. Moscow timezone is changing from +4 to +3
On the box, I have changed the timezone to MSK+3.
From the db side I have modified the following files:
1) postgresql.conf
timezone = 'Europe/Moscow'
2) pgsql/share/postgresql/timezonesets/Default
MSK 10800 # Moscow Time (caution: this used to mean 10800)
# (Europe/Moscow)
# date
Wed Sep 10 17:34:14 MSK 2014
Running following queries the output is as follows:
- select now() => "2014-09-10 18:34:19.041994+04"
- select now() at time zone 'MSK' => "2014-09-10 17:34:31.006944"
# date
Wed Sep 10 17:34:14 MSK 2014
Running following queries the output is as follows:
- select now() => "2014-09-10 18:34:19.041994+04"
- select now() at time zone 'MSK' => "2014-09-10 17:34:31.006944"
What changes needs to done so that now() returns expected value which matches with the time zone?
Thanks in advance!