Thanks for reply.
The constraint is like:
ADD CONSTRAINT attandence_2014p_record_timestamp_check CHECK (record_timestamp >= '2014-01-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone AND record_timestamp < '2015-01-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone);
Let us assume it is a complete year (Jan-Dec) instead of school year.
On Saturday, August 30, 2014 12:52 PM, John R Pierce <pierce@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 8/29/2014 9:38 PM, Patrick Dung
Suppose the table 'attendance' is very large:id bigintstudent_name varcharlate boolean
record_timestamp timestamp
The table is already partitioned by year (attendance_2012p, attendance_2013p, ...).I would like to count the number of lates by year.
Instead of specifying the partition tables name:select count(*) from attendance_2012p where student_name="Student A" and late='true';select count(*) from attendance_2013p where student_name="Student A" and late='true';
select count(*) from attendance_2014p where student_name="Student A" and late='true';
Is it possible to query the master table attendance), and the query could make use of the partitioned table for faster query?
select student_name as student,extract(year from record_timestamp) as year, count(*) as count_lates from attendance where late group by 1,2;
now, if your partitioning is by school year, that will be somewhat trickier. what are your partitioning _expression_ ?
as far as faster, well, your query has to read from all of the tables. there won't be any speedup from partition pruning...
-- john r pierce 37N 122W somewhere on the middle of the left coast