On 08/17/2014 03:32 PM, Redoute wrote:
Am 17.08.2014 17:17, schrieb Tom Lane:
Me too, but I repeat the point that what you have to twiddle is the
postmaster's environment; in particular you have to set LC_CTYPE
(or maybe better LC_ALL), which cannot be set from the config file.
With "set LC_CTYPE" do you mean to create an simple environment variable?
SET PGDATA=C:\Daten\pgdata2\
SET LC_ALL=German_Germany.UTF-8
The database cluster will be initialized with locale "German_Germany.1252".
The default database encoding has accordingly been set to "WIN1252".
The default text search configuration will be set to "german".
initdb uses PGDATA, but ignores LC_ALL, otherwise it would complain
initdb: invalid locale name "German_Germany.UTF-8"
like seen with parameter --locale==German_Germany.UTF-8
I also tried to set environment variable LC_ALL global via control panel
with different values. Restarted postgreSQL service; it doesn't care.
Yeah, more digging on my part seems to indicate that no matter what you
do Windows is going to set the locale to some variety of a codepage.
Unfortunately, I do not use Windows enough to go much further with this.
Hopefully someone more Microsoft fluent can weigh in on this, as this
issue comes up periodically and it would be nice to have a definitive
answer one way or another. I for one would appreciate the edification.
Adrian Klaver
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