2014-08-11 5:33 GMT+02:00 John R Pierce <pierce@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
ah, you're releasing the lock before the insert is committed, since this is all within a function call, its entirely within a single transaction.
PERFORM pg_advisory_lock(#1 , 2 or 3 depending on the table#,id of the
stuff I want to upsert) ;
WITH stuff_to_upsert ()
,updating AS (update returning id)
,inserting AS (insert if not updated)
PERFORM pg_advisory_unlock(same as above).
john r pierce 37N 122W
somewhere on the middle of the left coast
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thanks your two !
Oh no I hoped it was something fixable
, because I don't think I can fix this transaction problem.
, because I don't think I can fix this transaction problem.
I guess because the big query is called in one plpgsql function it will be in one transaction
,so even if I resorted to plpython in the upserting functions to issue commit it shouldn't work.
The only way would be to transform the big query plpgsqp function into another pl function,
but I can't really afford it :-(
Damn, it is really hard to use a table with 2 different session at the same time!
Thanks for your answers, and for the much needed typo correction ;-)