2014-08-07 7:24 GMT+02:00 David Johnston <david.g.johnston@xxxxxxxxx>:
> > - What are the differences among PL/SQL, PL/PGSQL and pgScript.
> The first two are languages you write functions in. pgScript is simply an
> informal way to group a series of statements together and have them execute
> within a transaction.
>AFAICT, this isn't true. Pgscript is a client specific language. There is a whole description of what it can do in pgadmin's manual. This was interesting when PostgreSQL didn't have the DO statement. Now that we do, it's rather pointless.
Yeah, I probably should have either researched the answer or just left it alone. I am not all that familiar with pgAdmin - I figured it was just a souped up script runner with maybe a couple of features like variables but otherwise allowing only SQL commands.
No problem :)
Note that pgScript isn't specific to pgAdmin, AFAIK.