Hi all,
Looking for some advice regarding a slow query I have and indexing.
I'm using postgresql 9.1 and this is my table that has around 6800000 rows:
class character varying,
floor character varying,
source_id integer,
the_geom geometry
INDEX idx_source_id
USING btree
INDEX idx_the_geom_gist
USING gist
This table is constantly hit with the below query (not always the same values in the where). The only difference between queries are the values in the where clause:
SELECT the_geom,oid from mytable
the_geom && ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((529342.334095833 180696.221733333,529342.334095833 181533.44595,530964.336820833 181533.44595,530964.336820833 180696.221733333,529342.334095833 180696.221733333))',find_srid('','mytable','the_geom'))
(floor = 'gf' AND source_id = '689' AND class = 'General')
As the table has increased in size, this query has become slower, so I made this index:
INDEX idx_floor_sourceid_class
USING btree
(floor, source_id, class);
When I run an EXPLAIN and EXPLAIN ANALYZE the query isn't using this new index.
Sometimes it uses just idx_the_geom_gist
other times it uses idx_the_geom_gist and idx_source_id
I don't understand why it's inconsistent in its use of indexes when the query is always the same structure, just different where clause values, and I don't understand why it's not using the new index either.
Would love some help with this. I'm not sure where I'm going wrong.
Thanks in advance.