Hi! I wanted to test synchronous bi-dircetional replication using synchronous_standby_names with bdr. So I set this up as follows: Node alpha has the following settings in postgresql.conf port=5432 wal_level = 'logical' max_replication_slots = 3 max_wal_senders = 4 synchronous_standby_names=’beta' shared_preload_libraries = 'bdr' bdr.connections='beta' bdr.beta_dsn = ’dbname=bdrdemo username=postgres port=5433' track_commit_timestamp = on Node beta has the following settings in postgresql.conf port=5433 wal_level = 'logical' max_replication_slots = 3 max_wal_senders = 4 synchronous_standby_names=’alpha' shared_preload_libraries = 'bdr' bdr.connections=’alpha' bdr.alpha_dsn = ’dbname=bdrdemo username=postgres port=5432' track_commit_timestamp = on§ 1 bdr.alpha_init_replica = on bdr.alpha_replica_local_dsn = 'dbname=bdrdemo user=postgres port=5432’ It seems to work fine. Bringing down one node stalls the other one, just like synch rep should. But the view pg_stat_replication view shows async in sync_state column. Shouldn’t this really be sync? Kind regards, Martin