On 07/09/2014 06:10 AM, basti wrote:
There are other entrys in pg_hab.conf and yes the passwd is correct.
So what are the other entries and where are they relative to the line
that you think is causing the problem?
(psql -p ... -h ... from command line runs well).
In your first post you showed this:
psql -U user -h localhost -W database
The password supplied here could come from a .pgpass file or env
variable so it does not necessarily mean that the same password is being
used that is used in the script.
I don't know whats wrong there
host mydns mydns localhost trust
works well and
Well no password is being asked for in the above.
#host all all md5
did not work.
In you original post you have as the problem line:
host all all md5
Have you tried both?
Just to be certain, have you done pg_ctl reload after each change?
I use Postgres 9.3.4-1.pgdg70+1. (debian)
Adrian Klaver