Le 07/07/2014 12:48, Albe Laurenz a écrit :
Madhurima Das wrote:
I am writing a C program to access a PostgreSQL database, where
I add a column if it doesn't exists in the table
or, update the column, if the column already exits.
Please suggest how to work with the conditional statements.
N.B. I wrote the following:
res = PQexec(conn, "IF COL_LENGTH('protein_sequence','comment') IS NULL");
res = PQexec(conn, "ALTER TABLE protein_sequence ADD comment VARCHAR(500)");
res = PQexec(conn, "UPDATE TABLE protein_sequence ADD comment VARCHAR(500)");
Is the code logically correct??
No, that doesn't make any sense.
The statement sent with PQexec must be a legal SQL statement.
You could do it like this:
/* try the update */
res = PQexec(conn, "UPDATE protein_sequence SET comment = ... WHERE ...");
if (!res) {
/* out of memory, error out */
r = PQresultStatus(res);
if (r == PGRES_COMMAND_OK) {
return; /* UPDATE ok */
} else if (r != PGRES_NONFATAL_ERROR) {
/* unexpected result, error out */
/* add the column */
res = PQexec(conn, "ALTER TABLE protein_sequence ADD comment VARCHAR(500)");
if (!res) {
/* out of memory, error out */
r = PQresultStatus(res);
if (r == PGRES_COMMAND_OK) {
return; /* ALTER TABLE ok */
} else {
/* unexpected result, error out */
This code is untested.
Laurenz Albe
Snippet Hi,
You can do that in a single statement
std::string lStatement;
lStatement += "DO $$\n"; lStatement += "BEGIN\n";
lStatement += "IF COL_LENGTH('protein_sequence','comment') IS NULL THEN\n";
lStatement += "ALTER TABLE protein_sequence ADD comment VARCHAR(500) \n";
lStatement += "ELSE\n";
lStatement += "UPDATE TABLE protein_sequence ADD comment VARCHAR(500)\n";
lStatement += "END IF;\n";
lStatement += "END;\n";
lStatement += "$$;\n";
res = PQexec(conn, lStatement .c_str());