Thank you, friend, I use --hex-blob :
mysqldump -v -nt --complete-insert=TRUE --compatible=postgresql --default-character-set=utf8 --skip-add-locks --compact --no-create-info --skip-quote-names --hex-blob -uroot -p test videorecresult >dbdata.sql
to dump mysql data.
And replace blob data "0x...." into "E'\\xx....'" to load data into postgresql.
On Fri, Jul 4, 2014 at 3:27 PM, Albe Laurenz <laurenz.albe@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
sunpeng wrote:
>>> load data to postgresql in cmd(encoding is GBK) is WIN8:
>>> psql -h localhost -d test -U postgres < dbdata.sql
>>> I got the error:
>>> ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xff
>> If the encoding is GBK then you will get errors (or incorrect
>> characters) if it is read as UTF8. Try setting the environment
> I‘v changed cmd (in win8) to encoding utf8 through chcp 65001, but error still occurs.Changing the terminal code page won't do anything, it's probably the data
> And i use the following cmd to dump mysql data:
> mysql> select Picture from personpicture where id = 'F2931306D1EE44ca82394CD3BC2404D4' into outfile
> "d:\\1.txt" ;
> I got the ansi file, and use Ultraedit to see first 16 bytes:
> FF D8 FF E0 5C 30 10 4A 46 49 46 5C 30 01 01 5C
> It's different from mysql workbench to see:
> FF D8 FF E0 00 10 4a 46 49 46 00 01 01 00 00 01
that are in a different encoding.
I don't know enough about MySQL to know which encoding it uses when dumping data,
but the man page of "mysqldump" tells me:
Add SET NAMES default_character_set to the output. This option is enabled by default.
So is there a SET NAMES command in the dump? If yes, what is the argument?
You will have to tell PostgreSQL the encoding of the data.
As Kevin pointed out, you can do that by setting the environment variable
PGCLIENT ENCODING to the correct value. Then PostgreSQL will convert the
data automatically.
Laurenz Albe