On 6/5/2014 12:24 PM, john.tiger wrote:
debian jessie 9.3 latest upgrade
su - postgres
password: xxxxx
==> Authentication failure
thats the operating system user. to set it, try...
sudo passwd postgres
or, just use sudo as you did later.
edited pg_hba.conf ==> local all all trust
trust is not recommended, even on a development system. I'd reset
that to 'peer'. my standard pg_hba.conf looks like...
local all all peer
host all all md5
host all all ::1/128 md5
host all all md5 # my local subnet
Then, the other thing I do, is...
sudo -u postgres
create user myname password 'something' createdb createuser;
create database myname owner myname;
where myname is my normal unix user account.... this way, you can run
psql as myname and have the privs to create more databases and users for
applications. the database 'myname' is a convenience for that user to
log in with defaults, and is handy to use as a scratchpad for trying out
SQL stuffs. I create other databases for applications.
if you DO want to log on as another role from an arbitrary account,
specify -h localhost, like...
psql -h localhost somedb someuser
still failure
sudo -u postgres
===> access
okay, figure this is a problem with postgresql user vs linux user -
but how to fix ? is it easier to remove and reinstall postgres ??
or maybe it is not worth bothering to fix and just use sudo ?
removing/reinstalling would change nothing.
john r pierce 37N 122W
somewhere on the middle of the left coast