On 06/03/2014 10:02 PM, sramay wrote:
No it is reporting that base table is missing not the TOAST table.
Is Streaming Replication can cause this issue?.
What is the exact error message Tomcat is reporting?
Data is not being
aged which is much. As the records add during this period on the base
which is hardly 300 MB ( 3million records) . the db size 700 GB.
In your first post you said the table was 700 GB, now the database,
which is correct?
How are you getting the sizes you are reporting?
Version I am using 9.1.8. If I move to latest 9.3.x version will it help?
The issue has not been identified, so it is premature to think about
changing versions.
There are many TOAST Table, how no and growth of the file is controlled.
This is expected:
When a table or index exceeds 1 GB, it is divided into gigabyte-sized
segments. The first segment's file name is the same as the filenode;
subsequent segments are named filenode.1, filenode.2, etc. This
arrangement avoids problems on platforms that have file size
limitations. (Actually, 1 GB is just the default segment size. The
segment size can be adjusted using the configuration option
--with-segsize when building PostgreSQL.) In principle, free space map
and visibility map forks could require multiple segments as well, though
this is unlikely to happen in practice.
I always use the community version of it, source compiled.
Ramachandran S
View this message in context: http://postgresql.1045698.n5.nabble.com/bytea-Issue-Reg-tp5805838p5805952.html
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Adrian Klaver