Hi, we are trying to upgrade from 8.4 to 9.3, but at the end of the process we've got the error: command: "/usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin/pg_resetxlog" -o 2429057 "/mnt/datos/datos_9.3/main" >> "pg_upgrade_utility.log" 2>&1 pg_resetxlog: lock file «postmaster.pid» exists Is a server running? If not, delete the lock file and try again. Our setup is this: Server: Ubuntu 12.04 – 32 bits Clusters: Postgresql 8.4 y Postgresql 9.3 The steps we followed are: 1) pg_upgrade using –-check result Ok. 2) pg_upgrade without --check Everything went ok, data directory was copied without problems. At the end, we got the error I mentioned at the beggining of this email. P.S.: pg_upgrade_utility.log attached. Regards, -- Leonardo M. Ramé Medical IT - Griensu S.A. Av. Colón 636 - Piso 8 Of. A X5000EPT -- Córdoba Tel.: +54(351)4246924 +54(351)4247788 +54(351)4247979 int. 19 Cel.: +54 9 (011) 40871877
----------------------------------------------------------------- pg_upgrade run on Wed May 28 08:03:08 2014 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- pg_upgrade run on Wed May 28 08:03:35 2014 ----------------------------------------------------------------- command: "/usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin/pg_dumpall" --port 50432 --username "postgres" --schema-only --globals-only --quote-all-identifiers --binary-upgrade -f pg_upgrade_dump_globals.sql >> "pg_upgrade_utility.log" 2>&1 command: "/usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin/vacuumdb" --host "/tmp/toto" --port 50432 --username "postgres" --all --analyze >> "pg_upgrade_utility.log" 2>&1 vacuumdb: limpiando la base de datos «postgres» vacuumdb: limpiando la base de datos «template1» command: "/usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin/vacuumdb" --host "/tmp/toto" --port 50432 --username "postgres" --all --freeze >> "pg_upgrade_utility.log" 2>&1 vacuumdb: limpiando la base de datos «postgres» vacuumdb: limpiando la base de datos «template1» command: cp -Rf "/mnt/datos/pg_clog" "/mnt/datos/datos_9.3/main/pg_clog" >> "pg_upgrade_utility.log" 2>&1 command: "/usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin/pg_resetxlog" -f -x 787620816 "/mnt/datos/datos_9.3/main" >> "pg_upgrade_utility.log" 2>&1 Bitácora de transacciones reiniciada command: "/usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin/pg_resetxlog" -m 24527,24526 "/mnt/datos/datos_9.3/main" >> "pg_upgrade_utility.log" 2>&1 Bitácora de transacciones reiniciada command: "/usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin/pg_resetxlog" -l 000000000000048A0000008E "/mnt/datos/datos_9.3/main" >> "pg_upgrade_utility.log" 2>&1 Bitácora de transacciones reiniciada command: "/usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin/psql" --echo-queries --set ON_ERROR_STOP=on --no-psqlrc --dbname=template1 --host "/tmp/toto" --port 50432 --username "postgres" -f "pg_upgrade_dump_globals.sql" >> "pg_upgrade_utility.log" 2>&1 SET default_transaction_read_only = off; SET SET client_encoding = 'UTF8'; SET SET standard_conforming_strings = off; SET SET escape_string_warning = off; SET SELECT binary_upgrade.set_next_pg_authid_oid('343529'::pg_catalog.oid); set_next_pg_authid_oid ------------------------ (1 fila) CREATE ROLE "ernesto"; CREATE ROLE ALTER ROLE "ernesto" WITH NOSUPERUSER INHERIT NOCREATEROLE NOCREATEDB LOGIN NOREPLICATION PASSWORD 'md5420d7930f9b0f4c3c5c3f09116c21136' VALID UNTIL 'infinity'; ALTER ROLE SELECT binary_upgrade.set_next_pg_authid_oid('10'::pg_catalog.oid); set_next_pg_authid_oid ------------------------ (1 fila) ALTER ROLE "postgres" WITH SUPERUSER INHERIT CREATEROLE CREATEDB LOGIN NOREPLICATION; ALTER ROLE SELECT binary_upgrade.set_next_pg_authid_oid('74416'::pg_catalog.oid); set_next_pg_authid_oid ------------------------ (1 fila) CREATE ROLE "uriel"; CREATE ROLE ALTER ROLE "uriel" WITH NOSUPERUSER INHERIT NOCREATEROLE NOCREATEDB LOGIN NOREPLICATION PASSWORD 'md594ebb9ea1bb345513055cb09316a8c6e'; ALTER ROLE SELECT binary_upgrade.set_next_pg_authid_oid('74417'::pg_catalog.oid); set_next_pg_authid_oid ------------------------ (1 fila) CREATE ROLE "vmedica"; CREATE ROLE ALTER ROLE "vmedica" WITH NOSUPERUSER INHERIT NOCREATEROLE NOCREATEDB LOGIN NOREPLICATION PASSWORD 'md5af39c68c2283201f3067fd5ff3c33161'; ALTER ROLE CREATE DATABASE "mirthdb" WITH TEMPLATE = template0 OWNER = "postgres"; CREATE DATABASE UPDATE pg_catalog.pg_database SET datfrozenxid = '599655521' WHERE datname = 'mirthdb'; UPDATE 1 CREATE DATABASE "ris" WITH TEMPLATE = template0 OWNER = "postgres"; CREATE DATABASE UPDATE pg_catalog.pg_database SET datfrozenxid = '599655521' WHERE datname = 'ris'; UPDATE 1 REVOKE ALL ON DATABASE "ris" FROM PUBLIC; REVOKE REVOKE ALL ON DATABASE "ris" FROM "postgres"; REVOKE GRANT ALL ON DATABASE "ris" TO "postgres"; GRANT GRANT CONNECT,TEMPORARY ON DATABASE "ris" TO PUBLIC; GRANT GRANT ALL ON DATABASE "ris" TO "uriel"; GRANT GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE "ris" TO "ernesto"; GRANT CREATE DATABASE "ris_20120831_0200" WITH TEMPLATE = template0 OWNER = "postgres"; CREATE DATABASE UPDATE pg_catalog.pg_database SET datfrozenxid = '599655521' WHERE datname = 'ris_20120831_0200'; UPDATE 1 CREATE DATABASE "ris_test" WITH TEMPLATE = template0 OWNER = "postgres"; CREATE DATABASE UPDATE pg_catalog.pg_database SET datfrozenxid = '599655521' WHERE datname = 'ris_test'; UPDATE 1 REVOKE ALL ON DATABASE "template1" FROM PUBLIC; REVOKE REVOKE ALL ON DATABASE "template1" FROM "postgres"; REVOKE GRANT ALL ON DATABASE "template1" TO "postgres"; GRANT GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE "template1" TO PUBLIC; GRANT command: "/usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin/pg_resetxlog" -o 2429057 "/mnt/datos/datos_9.3/main" >> "pg_upgrade_utility.log" 2>&1 pg_resetxlog: el archivo candado «postmaster.pid» existe ¿Hay un servidor corriendo? Si no, borre el archivo candado e inténtelo de nuevo command: "/usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin/pg_resetxlog" -o 2429057 "/mnt/datos/datos_9.3/main" >> "pg_upgrade_utility.log" 2>&1 pg_resetxlog: el archivo candado «postmaster.pid» existe ¿Hay un servidor corriendo? Si no, borre el archivo candado e inténtelo de nuevo