On 05/19/2014 02:28 PM, image wrote:
Dear all, I tried to import via pgraster2pgsql several DEM raster files. Below, i paste a screenshot representing my DOS interface : SS_pg_raster.JPG
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After the import, it's impossible to visualize the postgis raster layer via qgis. And via qgis db manager or pgadmin3, we can notice thaht the import did not create a geom column. Via qgis db manager, no overview of the layer is visible. Below the qgis db manager showing the characteristic of this layer : qgis_dbmanager.JPG I'm working with windows 8 with postgres 9. and postgis 2.1 In advance thank you t othrow light for me.
This is probably something that would be better asked on the PostGIS list: http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/postgis-users -- Adrian Klaver adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx